- Event dates: October 9 - 11, 2024, Crocus Expo International Exhibition Center

The Lead Frog App Service Will Be Availible For Participants And Visitors Of The Exhibition
The LeadFrog app is a universal tool for effective work at the exhibition. It is a service for quick collection of contacts, convenient questionnaires, exchange of promotional materials at the exhibition and analytics.
According to research, with the help of LeadFrog, you can get 32% more targeted contacts, spending 83% less time processing them. With the help of the LeadFrog service, you can:
- Savevisitors' contactselectronically by scanningtheirbadges.
- Addnotesto the receivedcontacts.
- Createelectronicquestionnaireswithdifferentquestionscenarios.
- ReceivesummarydataaboutboothvisitorsinExcelformat.
- See the performancestatisticsofeachstand-up artist.
- Seewhichproductis of the greatestinterest to visitors,thanks to QRcodesprintedthrough the LeadFrog service.
- Shareelectroniccatalogsandprice lists withoutunnecessaryprintingcosts.Have time to preparefor the exhibition as much as possible:
- Study it.Take a demotourof the service's capabilities.
- Try it.Requestaccessto the testpersonalaccount(in the demotouroron the service's website).
- Connect. Is everythingclearand there are noquestions?Leave a requestforactivationon the website.